How to Design Parking Facilities for Real Estate Projects to Accommodate Electric Bikes and Scooters?

April 4, 2024

The rapid advancement in the field of micromobility has made electric bikes and scooters an increasingly popular choice for urban transportation. As an integral part of the urban mobility, these transportation modes offer a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and convenient option for short-distance travel. Consequently, the design and development of parking facilities for real estate projects need to adapt to this change. This article will explore how to design parking facilities in buildings to accommodate electric bikes and scooters.

Understand the Importance of Micromobility

Before delving into the specifics of designing parking facilities, it’s essential to understand the significance of micromobility in city transportation. In doing so, you’ll appreciate why you need to incorporate these features into your building projects.

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Micromobility, which includes electric bikes and scooters, is a game-changer in urban mobility. Many cities are reporting a surge in bike and scooter use, and this trend is projected to continue. For instance, the city of Orlando witnessed a significant increase in their bike use, according to a recent report. Consequently, these cities have to rethink their transportation infrastructure, particularly parking facilities, to accommodate this shift.

For real estate developers, this means that your building projects need to cater to this increasing demand for bike and scooter parking. By incorporating well-designed parking for bikes and scooters, you can enhance your building’s appeal to prospective tenants, who are likely to own or use these modes of transportation.

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Designing Parking Facilities for Bikes

When designing parking facilities for bikes, several factors need to be taken into account. You need to consider the available space, the number of bikes the facility needs to accommodate, and the accessibility of the parking area.

First off, allocate enough space for bike parking. This will depend on your building’s size and the anticipated demand for bike parking. A good rule of thumb is to allot at least 10 square feet per bike. This allows for sufficient room for bikes as well as for riders to maneuver their bikes into and out of the parking spot comfortably.

Next, consider the type of bike racks to install. There are several designs available, each with its advantages. For instance, vertical bike racks save on horizontal space, making them ideal for buildings with limited space. On the other hand, horizontal bike racks are easier to use, as bikes don’t need to be lifted.

Lastly, ensure the bike parking area is easily accessible. It should be located near the building entrance to encourage bike use. It’s also crucial to have clear signage indicating the location of the bike parking area.

Designing Parking Facilities for Scooters

Scooters, like bikes, are becoming commonplace in cities, and their parking requirements need to be considered when designing parking facilities.

First, designate specific areas for scooter parking. These should not infringe on pedestrian pathways or entrance areas. Scooter parking areas can be smaller than those for bikes since scooters take up less space.

Next, consider the use of scooter racks. Similar to bike racks, scooter racks provide a designated spot for scooters to be parked securely. They also help to keep the parking area organized and prevent scooters from being left haphazardly, which can create fire hazards.

Additionally, ensure that scooter parking areas are well-lit and visible. This will discourage theft and encourage more people to use scooters as a mode of transportation.

Balancing Parking Needs

While catering to the needs of micromobility, it’s crucial not to neglect the parking requirements of cars. Micromobility and car parking needs to coexist harmoniously in your parking facility design.

You can allocate specific areas within your parking facility for cars, bikes, and scooters. This will ensure each mode of transportation has its designated parking area, reducing potential conflicts and ensuring smooth traffic flow within the parking facility.

Incorporating Charging Stations

Finally, as more people use electric bikes and scooters, the need for charging stations in parking facilities is growing. Incorporating charging stations in your parking facility design will make your building more attractive to potential tenants.

When designing charging stations, ensure they’re located close to the bike and scooter parking areas for convenience. Additionally, make sure they’re clearly marked and easily accessible.

In conclusion, the rise of micromobility necessitates a shift in how we design parking facilities in our buildings. By considering the needs of bikes, scooters, and cars, and incorporating charging stations, we can create parking facilities that cater to the modern urban dweller’s transportation needs. As cities continue to evolve, so too should our building designs, reflecting changing transportation trends and enhancing the appeal and functionality of our buildings.

Tailoring to the Specific Needs of Electric Bikes and Scooters

When considering the parking needs of electric bikes and scooters, it’s important to remember that these micro-mobility vehicles come with their own unique requirements. A key aspect to consider is the fact that these vehicles run on lithium-ion batteries, which need regular charging.

There are two main categories of electric micromobility: pedal-assist bikes, which require some human effort, and throttle-based bikes and scooters, which run purely on battery power. The latter category tends to have shorter battery lives and thus may require more frequent charging. Taking these factors into account can help guide the design of your bike racks and scooter parking spaces.

Bike rooms or designated bicycle parking areas can be an excellent solution for buildings with a high demand for bike parking. These rooms provide secure parking for bikes and can be designed with charging stations, making them especially convenient for electric bikes. Vertical bicycle racks can be particularly effective in these spaces, allowing you to maximize capacity.

In terms of scooter parking, consider implementing scooter docks. These are essentially designated parking spots with built-in charging capabilities. They not only provide secure parking for scooters but also allow users to charge their scooters while they’re parked.

Remember, however, that lithium-ion batteries can pose a risk of battery fires. As such, it’s crucial to ensure that your charging stations are designed and maintained in accordance with safety regulations.

Managing Short-Term and Long-Term Parking Demand

Understanding the short-term and long-term parking demand for bikes and scooters is also crucial in designing effective parking facilities. Short-term parking typically caters to visitors or individuals who use bikes or scooters for quick trips. Long-term parking, on the other hand, accommodates residents or employees who leave their bikes or scooters parked for extended periods.

Short-term parking areas should be conveniently located near building entrances and should be clearly visible to the public. This encourages the use of bikes and scooters for quick trips and can help reduce the demand for car parking.

Long-term parking needs to be secure and ideally covered to protect bikes and scooters from weather elements. This type of parking often requires more space and is typically located in less prime areas of the property. Long-term parking facilities can also benefit from the inclusion of charging stations for electric bikes and scooters.


In light of the growing popularity of bikes and scooters as a mode of public transport, it’s clear that the traditional approach to designing parking facilities needs to adjust. Embracing these changes not only accommodates the evolving needs of urban dwellers but also presents a unique opportunity for real estate developers to create more attractive, modern, and sustainable properties.

By understanding the specific needs of bikes and scooters, tailoring parking facilities to accommodate both short-term and long-term parking demand, and incorporating charging stations, real estate developers can design parking facilities that seamlessly integrate with the rising trend of micro-mobility.

As we move forward, let’s strive to build our cities and communities in a way that encourages sustainable and convenient transportation options. From bike rooms to scooter docks, let’s design our buildings with the future of mobility in mind.