What Are the Best Approaches to Manage Heritage Trees During Real Estate Development?

April 4, 2024

In the midst of urban development, many of you often forget about the living beings that were here long before the first concrete was poured. Yes, you guessed it right, we are talking about trees. These towering stalwarts of the ecosystem often take a backseat when development activities roll in. But, is it really necessary to remove every existing tree on a construction site? Or, is there a way to weave the narrative of development and preservation together? In this article, we will delve deep into the role of heritage trees in real estate development, exploring how they can be protected and why it matters.

Urban Forests: The Green Lungs of Cities

Urban jungles are often visualized as sprawling landscapes of concrete and steel, but another kind of jungle plays a vital role in them—the urban forest. Trees in the city, especially heritage trees, are crucial to the community’s physical, mental, and environmental health. They cleanse the air, regulate temperature, absorb water, and provide a habitat for wildlife, proving that urban forests are much more than just a pretty sight.

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However, in the rush of development, urban trees are often overlooked. Builders might view them as obstacles, their removal being easier than working around them. But this mindset neglects the many benefits trees provide and the potential penalties ordinances may enforce for their removal.

Ordinances for Tree Protection – A Tool for Preservation

To protect urban trees, many cities have enacted tree protection ordinances, laws that regulate the removal of trees on private and public properties. These ordinances often require permits for tree removal, with harsh penalties for unauthorized removal. They can also mandate the replacement of removed trees either on the site or elsewhere in the city.

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These ordinances are a response to the community’s desire for a greener, healthier city. They are a tool to ensure that trees remain a part of urban landscapes, even as development progresses. For builders, understanding and complying with these ordinances is crucial not only to avoid penalties but to contribute to a more sustainable form of development.

Striking the Balance – Heritage Trees and Construction

Heritage trees are a significant part of the urban forest. These are trees that have been recognized for their age, size, species, or historical significance. Due to their value, removal of heritage trees is often heavily regulated, and in some cases, prohibited.

However, this doesn’t mean that construction and heritage trees can’t coexist. With careful planning and adherence to protection ordinances, it’s possible to design a development site that incorporates existing trees. Builders can work with arborists and ecologists to assess the health and stability of trees, project their future growth, and determine how they can be integrated into the design. In this way, heritage trees can become a unique selling point for the development, enhancing its aesthetic and environmental value.

The Role of the Community in Urban Tree Protection

The community plays a vital role in the protection of urban trees. Firstly, community members can advocate for stronger tree protection ordinances and proactive city policies. They can also participate in tree planting activities and education initiatives, fostering a culture of tree appreciation.

Secondly, the community can act as stewards for urban trees. This includes reporting unauthorized tree removal, participating in tree maintenance, and advocating for trees in the planning process of new developments.

Moreover, community members can express their preference for developments that respect and incorporate existing trees, influencing builders to consider trees as assets rather than obstacles. In this way, the community’s actions and attitudes can significantly affect the fate of urban trees.

The Bigger Picture: Trees, Water, and Sustainable Development

Beyond the aesthetic and health benefits that trees provide, they also play a crucial role in managing water in urban areas. Trees absorb rainfall and reduce runoff, helping to mitigate flooding and erosion. Given the increasing frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change, this function of trees is becoming more important than ever.

By protecting and incorporating trees into development sites, builders can contribute to sustainable water management in the city. Moreover, by demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility, builders can attract customers who value sustainability, enhancing their reputation and competitiveness in the market.

In essence, trees are not just about greenery; they are crucial to the health and sustainability of cities. As urban areas continue to grow, it’s crucial that builders, city planners, and community members understand this and make tree protection a priority.

The Impacts of Construction on Heritage Trees

Construction activities can have substantial impacts on heritage trees and the urban forest. Be it the placement of heavy equipment, soil compaction, or alteration of the natural landscape, construction poses several threats to tree health. When heavy equipment is used in close proximity to trees, it can cause injury to the tree canopy and tree roots, leading to long-term damage or even tree death.

Soil compaction is another significant issue during construction. It can reduce the quantity of water and nutrients available to tree roots, leading to tree stress or decline. Also, any changes to the landscape, like altering drainage patterns or ground level, can impact tree health.

Acknowledge that tree removal may sometimes be inevitable. However, it should be the last resort after all options for preservation have been exhausted. When tree removal is necessary, it’s important to follow a tree preservation plan to minimize negative impacts on the surrounding trees and environment.

Avoiding construction damage to trees isn’t just good for the environment; it’s also beneficial for developers. Healthy, preserved trees can increase property value, attract buyers, and contribute to a positive community image. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of developers to incorporate tree protection strategies into their development plans.

The North Carolina Approach: An Example of Effective Tree Preservation

Let’s look at how one state has successfully integrated tree preservation into real estate development. In North Carolina, heritage tree preservation is taken seriously. Here, developers are required to submit a tree preservation plan before construction begins. This plan identifies which trees will be preserved and how they will be protected during construction.

For instance, the plan may define a tree protection zone, a boundary around each protected tree where no construction activity is allowed. It may also include measures to protect tree roots from soil compaction, such as using porous materials for construction roads or installing special fencing to keep heavy equipment away.

Moreover, North Carolina’s approach ensures that tree care doesn’t end once construction is complete. Developers are required to monitor the health of preserved trees for at least two years after construction, providing any necessary aftercare like watering, pruning, or pest management.

This proactive approach not only guarantees the preservation of heritage trees but also adds value to the real estate property. Given North Carolina’s success, it’s a model that other regions could learn from for their tree preservation efforts.

Wrapping Up: A Call to Action for Sustainable Development

As we have seen, heritage trees are an irreplaceable asset. They are not just symbols of the past but also valuable resources for the present and future. Protecting these trees during real estate development is an investment in healthier, greener, and more sustainable cities.

It’s crucial for developers to recognize the value of these trees and make every effort to protect them during construction. This includes understanding and complying with local tree ordinances, working with arborists and ecologists to assess and monitor tree health, and developing and implementing effective tree preservation plans.

The community also has a critical role to play. Community members should be aware of and advocate for tree protection ordinances, report unauthorized tree removal, and express their preference for developments that respect and incorporate existing trees.

Ultimately, the challenge is to strike a balance between development and preservation, to create urban spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing and economically viable but also environmentally sustainable. And in this endeavor, every single tree matters. Because every tree preserved is a step towards a healthier, greener, and more sustainable world. Let’s make tree preservation a priority, not an afterthought. After all, as rightly said, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”